
Corrective Church Discipline
Pastor Don has written Corrective Church Discipline: A Study in Scripture, the Reformed Heritage, and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church for his dissertation. Click on the link above to download the .pdf file.

Divorce and Remarriage
Pastor Don has spent several years researching Divorce and Remarriage in the Scriptures and in church history. Here are his findings.

Must Read Book List
Pastor Don’s Must Read Book List is a list of books that Pastor Don has found helpful. It is broken down into categories like North American Culture & Christianity, Theology, Christian Living & Devotion, Marriage & Family, etc.

Abstinence Curriculum
Dr. Don E. Galardi has written Societal Hindrances to Sexual Abstinence as noted in North American Culture. This paper with handouts was a part of the Owosso Public Schools high school Health and Reproductive curriculum until September 2014.

Notes on Election and Atonement
These notes on Election and Atonement may help those who are interested in digging deeper into the sermon series The Doctrines of Grace. They are taken from Lesson #40 of Pastor Don’s Systematic Theology Outlines.

Sanctification Clock
Pastor Don has preached many times on the process of sanctification in the believer’s life. People have been helped by viewing his sanctification clock which is found in this .pdf file. The clock illustrates the effects of sin in the believer’s life and the path to restoration. Clock movement may take place quickly or over a long period of time.